文山 拓也さんからの寄稿記事です。
Why Instagram Is So Popular from Techcrunch
2011年の"iPhone App Of The Year"にも選ばれた理由も、このブログを読めばわかるかもしれませんよ。
Editor's note:
Guest contributor Nate Bolt runs the UX firm Bolt | Peters, teaches design research at SVA iXD, and made that one SF to Paris time lapse.
ゲスト寄稿者のネイト・ボルトはユーザーエクスペリエンス会社のボルト・ピーターズを経営しており、SVA iXDでデザイン研究について講義し、「パリへの時間経過」という動画の製作者でもある。
I get asked a lot why Instagram is so popular. It might be because we just threw the first iPhone photography conference, 1197, or because I allegedly run a company that studies and designs interfaces. It could also be the world of photography is changing so fast that lots of us nerds are talking about how a tool like Instagram can pass 10 million users in 355 days. The interface implications are fascinating, the company and technology dynamics of serving content to 10 million users with less than ten employees are fascinating, the artistic content is fascinating, and the reasons why people like me are so addicted to the damn thing are fascinating. Here's a crack at why, since I think some other attempts haven't quite captured it.
The quality of camera phone images and filters, whether you love or hate them, is now relatively high.
Instagram came along and offered the same quality and visual appeal as Hipstamatic and other phone apps, but added a simple and well-designed interface to let you choose filters after the photo was taken. The quality of the end image, along with the physical iPhone camera, just hit a certain threshold of quality where the images became visually appealing. Even if you compare Instagram photos to professional Adobe Lightroom plug-ins, Photoshop Actions, and all the tricks and desktop software that photographers use, Instagram photos have a decent quality. The Instagram images are certainly not comparable, in terms of quality or resolution, duh, but the images are at least interesting.